Az iráni szankciók feloldása hordónként 10 dollárral csökkentheti az olajárat
... a világpiaci kínálatot, ami az olajárak jövőre hordónként 10 dolláros csökkenését vonja majd maga után - írja a Világbank rendszeres negyedéves közel-keleti és afrikai (Middle East North Africa, MENA) gazdasági prognózisában, jelezve, hogy az ország visszatérése a nemzetközi kereskedelembe az idén 3 százalékkal, 3016-ban pedig 5 százalékkal növeli majd a bruttó hazai terméket....
2015-08-11 16:21:56
Ez történt ma
... to "cure the evils of Poland... they must change their mode of life."

1941: Hitler and Mussolini meet at Berchtesgaden, with Mussolini accepting German military help in North Africa, but not Albania.

1941: British launch counteroffensive in East Africa, attacking Eritrea and Ethiopia from Sudan.

1942: Two Axis transports, the Mongevino and Anka...
2014-01-19 20:59:24
Ez történt ma
... (Roman Empire) While Trajan (98-117) was busy fighting against the Armenians and Parthians, a revolt which was mainly led by Jews, broke out in Cyprus, Egypt, and Cyrene on the north coast of Africa. In Cyrene, it was led by a Jewish "king" called Lukuas, and in Cyprus by Artemion. In Eretz Israel violence flared in the Jerusalem area and the Galilee where it was known as polemos ...
2014-01-16 21:40:44
Ez történt ma
... állam létrehozásához" nyújtott támogatásért cserébe, amelyet a "Német Birodalommal kötött szerződés garantálna".

1941: Adolf Hitler orders forces to be prepared to enter North Africa to assist the Italian effort, marking the establishment of the Afrika Korps. The operation is to be named 'Alpine Violets'.

1941: The Cruisers HMS Southampton and HMS Glouceste...
2014-01-11 23:17:41
Ez történt ma
... Manchukuo.

**1936: In Berlin, Nazi officials claim that their treatment of Jews is not the business of the League of Nations.

1941: Royal Navy bombards Bardia in North Africa day and night.

1942: The Red Army achieves a breakthrough at Rzhev.

1942: British troops are outflanked by the Japanese at Kampar in Malaya and begin to withdra...
2014-01-02 21:56:39
Ez történt - November 11.-én
... avoid being cut off by the heavy Soviet attacks against its communications.

In response to the allied invasion of North Africa, Germany and Italy occupied all of France. Nazis began to round up Jews in Marseilles. Many Jews in the Vichy areas fled to southern France (which was still occupied by Italy). Ninety thous...
2013-11-11 21:18:55
Ez történt - November 10.-én
... capture Oran. Petain takes command of all Vichy forces. British successes in Egypt continue with the capture of Sidi Barrani.

1942: Admiral Jean Darlan orders French forces in North Africa to cease resistance to the Anglo-American forces.

1942: President Roosevelt announces the breaking-off of diplomatic relations with Vichy France.

Westinghouse Ad...
2013-11-10 21:32:33
Ez történt - November 8.-án
... forces under Lieutenant General Eisenhower landing in Morocco and Algeria against minimal Vichy French resistance. Mersa Matruh is re-taken by British.

1942 November 8, NORTH AFRICA
Allies landed. Four hundred rebels, more than half of them Jewish, took over key parts of Algiers which were defended by 11,000 soldiers - mostly without bloodshed. Many of the rebels...
2013-11-08 22:25:36
Ez történt - November 4.-én

1943: The U.S. Fifth Army captures Isernia, 50 miles North of Naples and links up with Eighth Army moving North West from Foggia. US casualties in Mediterranean since the landings in North Africa is given as 31,126.

1943: A Russian breakout to the North of Kiev is achieved with their tank army's driving t...
2013-11-04 23:31:28
Ez történt - November 2.-án
... under way. Rommel has only 32 Panzer's left intact.

1942: Lieutenant General Dwight D. Eisenhower arrives in Gibraltar to set up an American command post for the invasion of North Africa.

1942: The Australians recapture Kokoda in New Guinea.

1943: The Battle of Empress Augusta Bay in Bougainville ends in U.S. Navy victory over Japan.

2013-11-02 18:53:00
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Címkék: Middle East North Africa, North Africa, East Africa, Roman Empire, While Trajan, Eretz Israel, Német Birodalommal, Adolf Hitler, Afrika Korps, Alpine Violets, Cruisers HMS Southampton, Royal Navy, GERMANS OCCUPIED ALL OF FRANCE, Many Jews, Sidi Barrani, Admiral Jean Darlan, President Roosevelt, Vichy France, Westinghouse Ad, Lieutenant General Eisenhower, Vichy French, Mersa Matruh, NORTH AFRICA, Fifth Army, Eighth Army, North West, Lieutenant General Dwight, Empress Augusta Bay, iráni szankciók, világpiaci kínálatot, olajárak jövőre, ország visszatérése, nemzetközi kereskedelembe, bruttó hazai, revolt which, counteroffensive, létrehozásához, communications, kereskedelembe, berchtesgaden, establishment, mediterranean, prognózisában, breakthrough, westinghouse, csökkentheti, birodalommal, bougainville, visszatérése, támogatásért, australians, southampton, százalékkal, csökkenését, transports, hordónként, resistance, eisenhower, marseilles, negyedéves, lieutenant, garantálna, világpiaci, rendszeres, nemzetközi, casualties,
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